

Keysight PD1500A、PD1550A產品介紹:

Keysight PD1500A 動態功率元件分析儀/雙脈衝測試儀
PD1500A Dynamic Power Device Analyzer/Double Pulse Tester

PD1500A 是現成可用的量測解決方案,讓您能輕鬆進行可靠、可重複的寬能隙半導體量測。 此平台可確保使用者安全,並可保護系統的量測硬體。
As an off-the-shelf measurement solution, the PD1500A delivers reliable, repeatable measurements of wide-bandgap semiconductors. The platform ensures user safety and protection of the system’s measurement hardware.

Product Features

  • Reliable, repeatable measurement of wide-bandgap (SiC, GaN) power semiconductor dynamic characteristics.
  • Characteristics measured include, turn-on, turn-off, switching, reverse recovery, gate charge, and many others.
  • Sate test environment for both the DUT and the user.
  • Expandable, upgradeable, modular platform enables testing of all power devices.

Keysight PD1550A 先進動態功率元件分析儀/雙脈衝測試儀
PD1550A Advanced Dynamic Power Device Analyzer / Double-Pulse Tester

PD1550A 雙脈衝測試儀可對寬帶隙功率模組進行可靠的測量。
PD1550A Double Pulse Tester delivers reliable measurement of wide band gap power modules..

Product Features

  • Reliable, repeatable measurement of wide-bandgap (SiC, GaN) power semiconductor dynamic characteristics for discreet devices and power modules.
  • Characteristics measured include turn-on, turn-off, switching, reverse recovery, gate charge, and many others.
  • True Pulse isolate probe for measuring a power module’s high-side device.
  • Solderless contact technology for repeatable, reliable results without soldering.
  • Safe test environment for both the DUT and the user.
  • Customizable, expandable, upgradeable, modular platform enables testing of all power devices.

客服專線: 03-5506360 銷售部 分機215、分機213