
今年9月禧恩取得Microtest代理權,Microtest Group 為封裝測試系統及晶片測試領域之開發商,在歐洲地區為領導者,提供半導體ATE設備製造和銷售、測試服務以及 IC設計服務,透過此次合作,未來禧恩將擴充更多的新產品,以滿足您在測試領域之需求(如:WLBI),更多的產品介紹如下:
web www.microtest.net



Keysight PD1500A、PD1550A產品介紹:

Keysight PD1500A 動態功率元件分析儀/雙脈衝測試儀
PD1500A Dynamic Power Device Analyzer/Double Pulse Tester

PD1500A 是現成可用的量測解決方案,讓您能輕鬆進行可靠、可重複的寬能隙半導體量測。 此平台可確保使用者安全,並可保護系統的量測硬體。
As an off-the-shelf measurement solution, the PD1500A delivers reliable, repeatable measurements of wide-bandgap semiconductors. The platform ensures user safety and protection of the system’s measurement hardware.

Product Features

  • Reliable, repeatable measurement of wide-bandgap (SiC, GaN) power semiconductor dynamic characteristics.
  • Characteristics measured include, turn-on, turn-off, switching, reverse recovery, gate charge, and many others.
  • Sate test environment for both the DUT and the user.
  • Expandable, upgradeable, modular platform enables testing of all power devices.
Datasheet User Manual 聯絡我們

Keysight PD1550A 先進動態功率元件分析儀/雙脈衝測試儀
PD1550A Advanced Dynamic Power Device Analyzer / Double-Pulse Tester

PD1550A 雙脈衝測試儀可對寬帶隙功率模組進行可靠的測量。
PD1550A Double Pulse Tester delivers reliable measurement of wide band gap power modules..

Product Features

  • Reliable, repeatable measurement of wide-bandgap (SiC, GaN) power semiconductor dynamic characteristics for discreet devices and power modules.
  • Characteristics measured include turn-on, turn-off, switching, reverse recovery, gate charge, and many others.
  • True Pulse isolate probe for measuring a power module’s high-side device.
  • Solderless contact technology for repeatable, reliable results without soldering.
  • Safe test environment for both the DUT and the user.
  • Customizable, expandable, upgradeable, modular platform enables testing of all power devices.
Datasheet User Manual 聯絡我們

客服專線: 03-5506360 銷售部 分機215、分機213

SEMICON Taiwan 2024國際半導體展 禧恩科技將展示
WBG Total Solution Provider

展覽日期:2024年 9月4日(三) 至 9月6日(五)
攤位:# I3116
參展地點:台北市 11568 南港區經貿二路 1 號


2024推出新產品SiC/GaN CP tester、WLBI(wafer level burn in)、KGD測試方案


‧SiC/GaN CP測試
‧WLBI(wafer level burn in)測試系統

客服專線: 03-5506360 銷售部 分機215、分機218

SEMICON Taiwan 2023國際半導體展, 禧恩科技將展示“半導體測試解決方案”,歡迎您參訪!

Exhibition Date:2023年9 月 6 日(三)至9月8日(五)
Exhibitor Location:Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall 2, 1st Floor (No. 2, Jingmao 2nd Road, Nangang District, Taipei City, near the Exit of Taipei MRT Nangang Exhibition Hall Station)

ipTEST Wins King’s Award for Innovation 2023

Test SiC and GaN semiconductors at high switching speeds for optimal results


April 21st, Guildford, UK: ipTEST has been honoured with the prestigious King’s Award for Enterprise in recognition of advancing the test capabilities available for high power SiC and GaN semiconductors.

Wide bandgap SiC and GaN semiconductors have opened up new possibilities for power device performance. The benefits are widespread, from allowing electric vehicles to travel further on the same battery, to enabling more efficient, lower cost electricity conversion in power-hungry data centres.

Testing power devices before they reach the customer is crucially important to ensure they perform reliably throughout their lifetime. For the most accurate results, devices should be tested as close to their operating speed as possible. However, this is a challenge for SiC and GaN which are usually switched at much higher speeds than conventional silicon. A silicon tester just cannot keep up.

To solve this problem, ipTEST developed the DS5 test generator. The whole layout of DS5 was designed from the ground up to operate at the highest speeds and perform the fastest dynamic tests. The result is that DS5 gives the clearest picture of SiC and GaN device performance at speed, allowing manufacturers to maximize the quality of their products. This is particularly important for electric vehicle applications where power devices are at the heart of the drivetrain – nobody wants their electric car to fail on the freeway.

“DS5 has been tremendously well received by our customers and I’m so proud it’s been recognised in the Innovation category of the King’s Award.” says Dr Conor McCarthy, Managing Director at ipTEST. “This has been a true team effort by everyone within our company.”

Of course, this is not the end of the story as SiC and GaN semiconductors will continue to evolve and have much more performance to offer. As Demos Malaos, Technical Director at ipTEST says, “DS5 is the first step of the journey. We’ll continue to innovate to offer the highest performance testing capabilities for power devices.”

About the King’s Award
The King’s Awards for Enterprise was previously known as The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, and the new name reflects His Majesty The King’s desire to continue the legacy of HM Queen Elizabeth II, by recognising outstanding UK businesses. The Award programme, now in its 57th year, is the most prestigious business award in the country, with successful businesses able to use the esteemed King’s Awards Emblem for the next five years.

About ipTEST
ipTEST helps semiconductor manufacturers test their most cutting-edge power devices to achieve optimal performance. Headquartered in Guildford, UK, ipTEST believes that doing the right thing, solving problems together and learning while we grow are key to delivering effective products.

For more information:

Nick Dajda, Sales and Marketing Director

+44 (0)7939 621015


For more information on Product:


King’s award for innovation logo:

ipTEST DS5 Test Generator and Applications Adapter:

2022 電子工程研討會

2022 Top Electronics Seminar 研討會將探討:電子產業與汽車產業如何透過電動車的設計、技術路線與創新應用,加速落實「2050淨零排放」目標?如何透過「人-車-路-雲」協同的關鍵技術與基礎設施促進電動車實現電動化、智慧化與連網化?如何透過建構汽車產業新生態與新能源基礎設施、加速科技創新以因應挑戰?

NSYSU Prof. Ting-Chang Chang Cooperation Meeting

中山大學張鼎張教授(TSMC/UMC/AUO/Innolux等大廠客座講師, 照片中右三)與禧恩科技,雙方已經談定在GaN/SiC上的測試設備開發合作,張教授後續會安排親自到禧恩科技進行傳授教學,與客戶共同研討。




We have auto mobile testing.