Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer

Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer is a single box solution for power device evaluation from sub-pA to 10 kV & 1500 A. Precise measurement capabilities with 10 µs pulse and µΩon-resistance measurements

Product Features

The Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer is the only single-box solution available with the capability to characterize high-power devices from the sub-picoamp level up to 10 kV and 1500 A. These capabilities allow the evaluation of novel new devices such as IGBT and materials such as GaN and SiC. The B1505A supports a variety of modules: high voltage SMU (HVSMU), high current SMU (HCSMU), ultra-high current (UHC) module, ultra-high voltage (UHV) module, and high voltage medium current (HVMC) module. The B1505A also supports high-power SMU (1 A/200 V), medium-power SMU (100 mA/100 V) ,medium-current SMU (1 A/30V pulsed, 100 mA/30V DC), and a multi-frequency capacitance measurement unit (1 kHz – 5 MHz). Its ten-slot modular mainframe allows you to configure the B1505A to suit your measurement needs.